Golf courses are typically designed to reward drives that find the center of the fairway. Ideally it affords the golfer with the optimum location from which to attack the green with their approach shot. Go for the Centaur of the Fairway.
Exclamations of “right down the pipe” or “split the fairway” are common refrains after “finding the middle.”
In Greek mythology the Centaur was often depicted as a wild and lustful creature but there was an exception. Chiron was the handsome son of the god Cronus and a nymph. Unlike his wild Centaurian brethren he was faithfully married to a beautiful nymph and had 3 loving daughters.
He was known for his wisdom, medical knowledge, sage advice and most notably his calm demeanor. Achilles, Ajax, Jason and Hercules sought his counsel during difficult times in their lives. He became a god when he gave his life to save Prometheus.
So the next time you stand over a tee shot faced with a tight fairway think of Chiron, who abandoned his wild ways and chose the strength of a calm demeanor and hit it “dead Centaur”!
Here is another GolfToon with the Centaur getting a golf lesson, Centaur Golf Lesson – GolfToons 78.