Father O’Fairway
Introducing Father O’Fairway. The Most Reverend O’Fairway hails from County Clare, Ireland where he grew up playing the sport of golf from the time he was young lad.
He plays religiously but almost exclusively midweek, as his weekends are occupied by priestly duties.
Father O’Fairway’s love of golf is rooted in his belief that one must find joy in anguish. Laugh at the Agony, if you will.
As a Jesuit he has taken the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience though he has confessed to making the occasional wager.
Playing to a 9.3 handicap, O’Fairway considers mulligans and gimmies blasphemies to the sanctity of the game.
“Putt them out. The Lord is keeping score,” is a common refrain from him.