Where does the term ‘FORE’ come from? As with many terms in a game as old as golf, a definitive origin is not possible. Though two contending sources are both plausible and interesting enough to share here.
One comes from the time when golf balls were expensive. Golfers employed forecaddies ahead of the shots to make it easier to locate where the balls landed. Golfers would cry out “Fore” and give an indication of where the shot was directed.
Makes sense and probably sped play.
The other origin story comes from the times when cannon practice was held in the same coastal waste areas where golf was played. Gunners would shout ‘Before Beware’ and then fire their munitions at distant targets. This practice was adopted by golfers, perhaps at first for a laugh. As golf became more popular, and hence the ‘links’ more crowded, the warning was found to be useful and shortened to ‘Fore’
You decide, and be sure to warn those nearby of any errant shots from your group.