Buy a sports car? Take up pickle ball? Have an affair? How to deal with a midlife golf crisis?
Na. You can’t fit the clubs in the sports car.
Heck na. Pickle ball is a fraud. There are no pickles involved at all!
Affairs, contrary to what Hollywood sells us, are like pulling the pin on a grenade to get rid of a bad rash.
Golf is a rarity in sporting pursuits. It is one of the few participant sports that a person can play throughout their life. Your game actually matures, evolves, and changes as you age. Play through the Midlife golf crisis.
I know and play with golfers with artificial knees and amputated limbs. You play in spite of diminishing distance off the tee and shift to a 7, then a 6 iron from 150 when you used to hit an 8 iron.
But you forge on and find new ways to play and enjoy the game. You deal with age much as you deal with aging in life. You accept the cards that life deals you and play on!
That’s not to say that we can’t try to fight back against the ravages of time. We buy better clubs, softer balls, and sharpen the skills that can help us stave off the inevitable.
And a bit of self-deceit isn’t necessarily a bad thing because the older I get the better I used to play.