Darth Fader
Darth Vader, originally known as Anakin Skywalker, was probably a decent golfer before his transition to Darth. Now Darth Fader.
A series of space-adventure lightsaber duels cost him both legs below the knees and left arm. To compound matters he also fell into a volcano and his lungs were destroyed to the point he required a breathing appartatus.
His golf game may have unraveled to the point that his once ever-smiling face became grotesque. His tight draw degraded into side-show slices.
Whatever you do don’t say slice to Darth Vader or he’ll whip out his lightsaber, hence the nickname “Fader.”
Worse though may be the psychological damage to his once generous and affable personality. While Anakin was always a welcome patron in the clubhouse, buying drinks for his buddies and in general an all-around nice guy.
The Darth version…. not so much.
So if you score a game with Darth, one more tip, don’t bring up his son. You might win the Nassau but be ready for some sabre rattling.