Golfing Super Hero
Golfing Super Hero. Golf is an addiction. No surprise to those of us addicted.
The thrill of improvement is powerful. Gaining distance and control of your tee game. Striking a crisp, long iron from the fairway. Sand saves, getting up & down and draining a 30 footer.
And then you chip-in from off the green. A birdie! Two birdies in one round. You begin to entertain the idea of an eagle!
These early steps in a golfer’s journey strike the young and the old, men and women, blue collar blokes or corporate executives. No one is immune to the grips of a golf addiction. Next you will want to extend your season into the fall, and you will be losing your ball under fallen leaves. And pretty soon you’re ice golfing with a neon Volvik.
Like all addictions, it can lead to a dereliction of anything other than the most important of duties. Husbandry, fatherhood, work, house chores. You name it, even battling super-villains and protecting the public from evil in The Universe.
It can be conquered and even controlled. The addiction that is, not the game.
Golfing Super Hero