Old Trusty. We all have our ‘Go-To’ clubs. The ones we hit well, feel confident at address or just seem to get lucky with. The club we can take a little off, or add a little extra to. The one that you pull out of the bag, kiss the head and say sweet nothings to like, “Don’t fail me now.” It has survived several seasons of the tidal wave of new product launches. All guaranteeing we will hit the golf ball longer, cure our slice and shave strokes off our game.
At times ‘Old Trusty’ may have even been relegated to a dank corner in our garage. Abandoned for the latest and greatest. But when the new club that promised we’d never hit a fat shot again doesn’t pan out we bring ‘Old Trusty’ back, give it a good cleaning, and return it to our bag. Forgetting it’s past failures and reaffirming our belief that our short-comings wasn’t technique but technology.
Many a time I’ve witnessed the depth of faith in ‘Go-To’ clubs. Above all, when vast expanses of water must be carried or serious coin is on the line. Often ‘Go-To’ clubs get used most when the other clubs have had a bad day. You just yearn to hit a crisp shot and not look like the miserable hack you are.
Maybe that’s why you’ll see ‘Old Trusty’ pulled out of the bag. Even when your range finder or the yardage marker begs you to hit the six iron, and you air mail a well struck ball with ‘Old Trusty’ twenty yards over the green.